Ordinary people change lives!

Survivors have been rescued, traffickers have been arrested and slavery has been pushed back by ordinary people like you. We believe survivors deserve dignity and restoration but the first step towards freedom is rescue. The average cost to take care of a person who has been trafficked is in the region of R25,000 per month. The average cost to assist in an intervention to rescue is in the region of R18,000 per month. You can become a Hope Fighter contributing a once off amount of R500.

What you will receive: 

1. Limited Hope Fighter T-shirt 

2. 10% discount code off partner products:  Alter (Classic Range) valid for 3 months only

3. Digital awareness pack


Sign up to be a Hope Fighter below as well as payment method details below

Payment needs to be made via eft, Payfast or snapscan see details below. Please reference your name and send proof of payment to info@hoperisen.org

Make Payment – STEP 02 of 02

Banking Details:

Bank: First National Bank Account
Name: Hope Risen Foundation Trust
Account Number: 62689612284
Reference: Your Name Fighter

Thank you for your support in putting
an end towards Human Trafficking!